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Why Sam Adams Boss Jim Koch Will Let Anyone Say 'F**k You' At Work... Even To Him

All Huff New feed

Why Sam Adams Boss Jim Koch Will Let Anyone Say "F**k You" At Work… Even To Him


While they’re not the nicest two words you can use, they just might come in handy at work one day.

Jim Koch, head of the Boston Beer Company, which makes Sam Adams, believes that workers need to say “fuck you” — even to the boss. 

In a clip from Business Insider, Koch said his company has something called the “Fuck You Rule,” which allows anyone to say the words to anyone else, under one condition: “You have to explain to the person that you gave the F.U. to why you said that, what they did to make you feel in that special F.U. frame of mind and then be willing to listen to their side of the story.”

Koch added: 

“If you get that out on the table and you do it in a respectful way of each listening to other, then you can resolve the problem. But if you never put it out on the table, the problem just festers, gets worse and causes other problems.”

Check it out in the clip above. 

(h/t Digg)

Source: All Huff New feed

Why Sam Adams Boss Jim Koch Will Let Anyone Say "F**k You" At Work... Even To Him

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